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WIA Events
The WIA (Women in Architecture) is a subcommittee of the AIA Silicon Valley. Founded in 2015, the committee’s focus is on expanding equity, equality, and diversity in the profession of architecture. The WIA offers programs which empower and support women as they establish their professional identities, develop their career paths, and find their leadership direction. Gender serves as a gateway topic to addressing experiences of diversity - allowing a flexible and expansive focus on topics. These are addressed through our events as the committee members and event guests navigate their intersectional identities and the challenges of living and working in a complex socio-historic context, a dynamic economic and technological region, and a turbulent political climate.
Interested in learning more about our upcoming plans and stay up to date with WIA activities? Join us virtually
every third Wednesday of the month at noon.
Zoom Meeting Link : https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81103086362?pwd=MUN2L29tYkRnS09NeVRvM1pGS0Zidz09
Meeting ID: 811 0308 6362
Passcode: 431783
Check out events listed below to learn more about advocacy! Both members and non-members are welcome.