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2020 WIA Events in Review

We are deeply committed to advocating for Women in Architecture in Silicon Valley. At the same time, the intersectional identities of our members inspire us to engage in dialogues that address broader topics in diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Despite the profound challenges of 2020, we are grateful to have found opportunities to advance these conversations. In alignment with our 2020 theme and long-range goals of forming “Allies and Alliances,” we simultaneously expanded our network and provided safe spaces for insight and empathy.

In February, we kicked off the year with a fun and well-attended in-person interdisciplinary mixer event. In March, we, along with the rest of the world, had to pivot to virtual formats. Still, we continued to grow relationships and develop insights.

Through our emerging Learning series, we hosted “Read and Learn” and “Watch and Learn” events for members to engage one-another in conversation about feminist writing and the lives and philosophies iconic architects. Through Tea Time events, we built new connections with Mothers in Architecture and gained insight into international culture and architectural history during a discussion of the 1976 International Congress of Women Architects. In addition to reviewing each of these topics, the events also offered time to discuss life and employment in the remote work environment.

In August, the WIA hosted a chapter-scale event, developed in collaboration with the San Francisco chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA). The event featured speakers from programs that support people from diverse backgrounds at different points in the professional pipeline – middle school (NOMA Project Pipeline), high school (Cristo Rey Schools), post-college/emerging leaders (NOMA Community Programs), and firm ownership (WIASVC and Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative, and organizational leadership (NOMA regional chapters). 

For the full list of 2020 events and speakers, please see our events page. We look forward to continuing these conversations and welcome your participation!

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